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The H1 and H2 have the same colour

but are declared seperately

whereas H3 and H4 are a single rule

using multiple selectors seperated by commas for the same colour

Font color set with colored background

H1 rule specifies that i elements appear blue within H1 elements

The CLASS attribute, i.e dot quote = red colour text, lets you write rules and then apply them to groups of elements that you have classified. Basically, the class attribute lets you define your own tags and then apply them anywhere you want.

The DIV block division in combination with the CLASS attribute, effectively allows you to create entirely new HTML elements that are specific to your area.

The SPAN element lets you specify inline elements within a document that have their own name and style properties. Place inline elements within a line of text, like the "B" or "I" elements. Use the SPAN element with the class attribute to create customised inline elements and apply styles more accurately.

BLOCKQUOTE in this example, sets a font of 14pt sans serif. Multple property statements must be seperated by semi-colons. i.e FONT-FAMILY: sans serif; FONT-SIZE: 14pt

Font weight set by FONT-WEIGHT: NORMAL
(Or Bold, Bolder, Lighter)

A paragraph can have a border using "P" MARGIN: 30px; BORDER: DASHED 2pt RED; PADDING-LEFT: 10pt etc

To indent the first line of any paragraph use P TEXT-INDENT: -12pt etc. This ensures that the paragraph then reads look standard text as found in a reading book.

NOTE: View page html to see coding!

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